Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some what logical.

Question 1 : If 1 saree dry in 1 hour how long 2 saree will take to dry?

Answer 1:

Mathemaically : It will take 2 hours.
Logically : If the length of rope is constant and 1st saree is stretched all thru the rope then both saree will take 2 hrs to dry.
If the length of rope can be increased then it will take 1 hr to dry both of them.
If the orientation of saree can't be changed and 1st saree covers >1/2 of length of rope then 2nd saree will have a overlap area and both will take 2 hr to dry completely (due to overlap reqion).
Practically : It would take 1 hr.

Question 2 : If 10 birds are sitting on a tree and you shoot at 1 of them then how many birds are left on the tree.

Annswer 2:

Mathematically : 9 birds will be left.
Logically : If you use pistol with silencer then 10 birds will be left if u miss the shot and 9 if you don't miss it.
If you use pistol without silencer then 0 birds will be left.
Practically : You won't be able to hit.

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